Randomness of the week. We were at activity days and Tai said:
"Stomach STOP IT, you're Fine!!!"
When we all looked at her like "WHAT?!?!" She said that her stomach growls and makes a lot of noises, so she was telling her stomach that it was fine! We all laughed pretty hard
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Teya Growing Up
This last week our little goof ball Teya turned 8. She has chosen to be baptised in a couple weeks and she couldn't be more excited to have "Her Magical Day!"
Our Top 8 Things We Love About Teya:
1- She is constantly singing. Everywhere and anything. When asked this year if she wanted to take singing lessons, her reply, "No, I already know how to sing!"
2- She loves her sister and brother and plays with them. Some of her favorite things to play with Tai is Minecraft on their Ipads, Legos, and stuffed animals (not sure what they play with them, but they create something). She wrestles, watches Paw Patrol and argues with the 2 year old AJ. :)
3-She is in her 2nd year of Dual Emerson at Mc Polin Elementary and is learning so much. She is so cute when she speaks in Spanish. She and Tai sang Feliz Navidad at Christmas time and it was so cute! (Teya sang the Spanish part and Tai sang the English)
4- She loves to paint and is very good at it. She received an art set for Christmas and she loves to sit at the easel and paint with different types of brushes and of course, mix the paint colors.
5- She could eat us out of house and home with pickles. To say that she loves them is the understatement of the world.
6- She loves to make us all laugh. Her randomness catches us off guard.
7- She is a really good reader and enjoys it. She pushes hard at school so her teachers have told us that it is ok for her to come home and read picture books. She is in 2nd grade and reading at a 4th & 5th grade level.
8- Her new love is that she can make everyone in our family a cheese quesadilla or hard cheese by herself. She probably asks us a couple times a week if we would like hard cheese. (For those of you that know me, I made this as a child, I even wrote the recipe for my mom's recipe book. Hahaha, so it is pretty dear to my heart)
(Her middle name is Jane and so I call her Janie Roo or Janie)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Our Latest Obsession:
My sister introduced me and the girls to these frozen yogurt stores. There are several companies, but this is the one we found in Park City. I am sort of mad at myself for seeking it out because now we can't stop going!!!
First off, Grab your bowl:
Pick from many flavors, or combine many in your bowl (which we usually do):
Then load up on toppings:

A couple more before you hit the check out. Get it weighed (because the charge $0.39 an oz)
And this is what you get to eat:

We are HOOKED!!!! Tai loves (left side) peach and chocolate or vanilla, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles, M&M's, and white and choc chips.
A couple more before you hit the check out. Get it weighed (because the charge $0.39 an oz)
We are HOOKED!!!! Tai loves (left side) peach and chocolate or vanilla, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles, M&M's, and white and choc chips.
Teya enjoyed (her side is the left side of the right bowl) chocolate yogurt, animal cookies, M&M's, nerds, and carmel syrup.
I enjoyed (right side of the right bowl) praline yogurt, carmel syrup and crunched up oreo cookies. Although I had several bites that consisted of chocolate yogurt and nerds. Not going to recommend it!
May not look very appealing, but try it, you will be hooked too!!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ride your bike to school day
Tai was so excited to get to ride her bike to school. Everyone met at the Racket Club, and the Police Men were there handing out slurpy coupons for wearing your helmet. Then they had a police escort all the way to the school.
Tai and her new friend Gracie getting ready for the ride.
Yes, I am one of "those mothers" driving behind to take pictures.
Monday, September 6, 2010
It is Cougar Football Season
I couldn't believe how excited I was for the football season to start. First is has been far to long (over a month) since we have seen our friends Aaron and Suz! We just have the best time together. And it changes every game, but one of us doesn't sit by our husband, due to the fact that we need to be by eachother to talk and laugh! So the boys sit by eachother and Suz and I sit by eachother. You get it right? Here's my girl Suz and I: and we were discussing how many pictures we have like this, too many to count. But I must say, we are getting good at taking pics of ourselves!
Here we are seatholders 27, 28, 29 & 30 of WW 145 and row2! Represent!!!
The night would not be complete without some sort of food in the parking lot. We started doing this after the games, because we have to go Northbound and it is ridiculous sitting in traffic. So we decided we would rather eat and wait for the people to get on their way, rather than make up new swear words for idiot drivers who think they can make it 2 cars ahead of you, to save themselves 3 seconds in life.
1st day of Kindergarten
Well my baby officially is in school. Her teacher is Mr. Paul, yes a male, and he is so cute with the kids. He is pretty young too, and Tai loves him. Here is Tai on her testing day. I was glad that I got a picture of her because the morning of school they didn't let us parents in.
A couple highlights from day one:
1- When asked what her favorite thing that they did was, she said, "taking a tour of the school"
2- Said, "we did crafts." I don't know if it is a girl thing or not, but I remember it
as art. Paula and I have laughed at that!
3- She fell off the playground, right onto her back.
Meeting up in Salt Lake
Shaws and Quarnbergs
Jake needed Braydan's help at the store during the Art's Festival. So we made it a family affair and made sure that he was bringing his girls. We had a lot of fun hanging out at the house. The girls just ran in one door and out the other, literally, as fast as they could, went on treasure hunts, and the best of all, school shopping! So looking at this picture, we were at the outlet mall for I think around 5 1/2 to 6 hours. They were pretty good considering there was a million people and they wanted to go. But we stopped to have a cookie and drink, this is what they looked like: (we always hear that they all look so alike, well, here is the proof. We always tease eachother because with their ages, they really could be just one of ours)
And this is what we looked like: EXHAUSTED!!!! But we had the best time! Thanks for coming up to hang out with us! We love and miss you guys tons!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Daddy's Day off
First off, we are not used to Jake having a day off. When we were in Salina, when Jake had a day off from Burns, he went to work on the ranch. And prior to Burns, well he was a rancher, self explanatory. So it has been kind of fun to get to hang out with him during the week. We had to be in Provo so we decided to finally take the girls to BYU campus. We have been promising to take Tai to the Museum of Paleontology forever, so we made good on our promise.
The girls loved all the dinosaur bones.
Daddy with the girls by a palm frond.
None of us had been to the Bean Museum at BYU so we VZ Navigated it and we took the girls there too!
I have lived in Utah for 20 years now and have driven up Provo Canyon to many times to count, and I have never stopped at Bridal Veil Falls. So on our way home, we decided to stop and get a closer look.
The water was FREEZING! But we waded in. I don't know how the girls walked all over the place on the rocks, they killed my feet, so I mostly hung out on a large rock.
Mommy and Teya

Freezing water
Quarnberg girls!
Freezing water
Rain Rain, Don't go away
One of my very favorite things on this earth, is a good ol' rain storm. Since we have lived in Park City, we have had several of those, you know the kind where the rain drops are HUGE and soaks everything. In my mind, when I wake up and the sky is dark, it means a good day (a lot of people think that is depressing)! I guess my girls have learned to love it as well. Everytime it rains, they want to play outside in it. You are only young once!
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