Saturday, August 14, 2010

The newest member of our family

Now hold your horses (no pun intended), not a baby or anythig, a real horse. Meet Sunny Pickard Quarnberg!!! 3 years old, broke and ready to ride! Here he is, the girls love him, Jake loves to ride him and is in 7th heaven. Now, I am sure you are wondering, where we are keeping him since we moved to Park City. Well the funny thing is, we lived on or around the ranch for over 9 married years and never bought a horse, well 2 weeks before we decided to move we purchased Sunny. How ironic is that? So Kendall and Tanner are taking good care of Sunny for us back in Lost Creek. Everytime we are in town though, Jake saddles up and goes for a ride.


mason said... fun!! I be the girls LOVE their new horse. We sure missed you this weekend. Next time we are planning park city!!

Jess said...

Beautiful Horse! We will be coming up to PC soon for a visit.... where do you guys live?