When the leaves start to change and the weather gets a little chilly-we know it is time to bring the cattle home. I love, Love, LOVE the fall, and pretty much everything that comes with it, other than the super cold weather.
The "Round-Up" week started out with an overnight camping trip up to the Grazing Pasture with daddy. He was going to be getting up really early to get his horse saddled and get ready to meet all the other Cowboys, but we were on strick orders to just hang out and have fun when we woke up. Of course my little Teya was the first up and had to go potty. So out of the really warm bed and out into the really cold morning. That had done it for me. I got the girls up, cleaned up our bedding and into the truck we went to head home. As I was closing the last gate on our way out, I turned around to this picture!!! Gorgeous!!!!

I got feeling a little bad for Jake since he was going to be staying in the trailer all week and it was FLIPPIN' cold up there so we ended up driving back up there the same day to bring him an electric space heater (which he said "SUCKED"-and didn't help)! But we were lucky enough to catch the guys right after lunch and so the girls got to go on a horse ride:

I know that I am a little biased, but gosh my cowboy is darn cute!!!

The girls DID NOT want to get off Arizona. They love to ride horses!!!