Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Plea for a Sandbox

This is what we see everyday- sometimes more or less water, but you get the idea. So this is my plea-my friend Katie knows there is a rich stranger out there that looks at her blog from time to time, so why can't I have a rich stranger for a blog stalker too? "So, to my strange blog stalker who is rich beyond measure, I need a sandbox for my kids to play in that is NOT close to the road. I have an idea where I would like it and also how big, leave me a comment and I will give you the details and where you can send the cash!!!- Thanks your strange blog friend, Tiffany P.S. You can come and play in it to, Jake (my husband) has really cool Tonka Toys that he got for his birthday a couple years back, you might think we are kind of fun to hang out with!"

1 comment:

Natalie Bagley said...

Tiff - really all you need is a farmer's old tractor tire and some sand. You might be better off going that route than the rich blog stalker!!