So the BIG thing in Lehi (where Tai & Teya's Grandpa & Grandma live) is the Lehi Round-up! When I was a kid, we used to come down from Idaho to be there for it. I think that is a great tradition for my girls to take part in as well! Every year they have a huge celebration with 3 days of festivities. It is like the cardinal sin if you don't go to the three parades. (I guess we will be shunned from the parade Gods because we only caught one). But the girls loved it! We go to our usual spot-Grandma Morton's front yard-some traditions never die! We get prepared to get candy thrown at us and to sweat like a pig-all in the name of the "Lehi Round-Up"!!!
The parade was so hot and lasted so long-but the girls didn't mind-as long as they got candy! Here is Tai (3 1/2), cousin Maili (1 3/4) and Teya (1 1/2 almost) checking out one of the many floats that drove by.
Aunt Cee-Cee helping the kids get their candy in bags.
Daddy and Teya sitting in the hot sun! Here is a rare moment of Teya sitting still. We mostly chased her around and kept her out of the parade, she really wanted to take part in it!
After the parade at the park they had a bunch of booths for kids to come do things at. Of course my Tai would want to go for a pony ride to help out the Lehi FFA (and cousin Amanda). It's not like we don't have horses where we live and could ride them at any given moment! I guess that is a true cowgirl, not caring what the cost or location-getting on a horse is all they care about! (it only cost $1.00) She stood in line for like 20 minutes and when her and grandma Snell got up there she told grandma "I can do it myself!"
The girls loved looking at all the animals that were there (sort of like a petting zoo for farm animals) Here they are looking at the turtles.
We only went to the stock parade and grandma just couldn't understand why we didn't go to ALL of them!
Okay, so how did I miss this event? I try to avoid Lehi's Main Street, and I must have really avoided it. You'll have to share all the "ins and outs" of Lehi's biggest event so that I enjoy it next year. By the way, I love that little BBQ and ice cream store on Main Street. Have you been there? See ya.
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