Saturday, May 30, 2009

A day at the beach

On our last day in San Diego, we decided to hit the beach. At first it was somewhat chilly and we weren't sure if the sun was ever going to come out, but the San Diegan's that we were with kept promising that the clouds would burn off and it would be beautiful. We kept waiting and waiting, and then finally, the sun came out! It was such a nice day and the kids were so good. They just played and played and played. None of them were scared of the water and the temp. of the water didn't matter either!

Tai and Payton-they had so much fun together on the whole trip. They got along so good!
We all had sand EVERYWHERE!

One of my little fish. Tai has always loved the water!

It was so wierd. The colors without the sun at the beach were so blah! But when the sun came out everything was better! The girls still wanted to play in the water even if the sun wasn't out!

Cute little Addison-I love the sand all over in her hair and on her face!
Two little buddies:

Jake and I-Coranodo Island
The bridge to get there is so cool, you can see it in the background
My other little fishie: Yet again, we had to watch her so close, she just wandered everywhere!

Teya was not afraid of the water at all. She went into the water all the way up to her neck.
Tai making sand angels:

Thanks again to Mike and Liz, they brought out the jet skiis and we all got a chance to ride them. You guys always show us a good time when we come!

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